Sterneck Capital - Ensuring Business Continuity
In light of recent media coverage we want to proactively address potential questions regarding Sterneck Capital Management’s readiness should the Center for Disease Control (CDC) or community leaders call for actions to help limit the spread of the cornoavirus in our respective communities.
Sterneck Capital has a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), as required by the SEC, that has proven effective in different disruptions in the past including power outages, illness and surgeries, inclement weather and other events. This plan relies heavily on employees having the ability to work from home . It also includes a technology stack that has been built with the idea of employees needing highly secured remote access to our mission-critical systems. We are confident that this same BCP will work well for Sterneck Capital, our clients, prospect, vendors and business partners if there is a coronavirus work disruption.
All employees have the capability to work remotely from their homes in a secured manner that continues to protect client data and ensures no disruption to investment and daily service activities. Client and prospect phone calls are handled via computer connection so physical locality of employees is a non-issue. Client and prospect meetings can be rescheduled or pursued electronically through webinars or phone conferences.
Absent a request to temporarily vacate our physical firm location, clients and prospects wishing to keep their scheduled appointments are welcomed. Our office is currently staffed and we follow the continuous cleaning and social distance recommendations to keep our work environment safe for employees and guests.
We recognize this unique scenario and its impact to market activity may cause unrest. We want to assure you Sterneck Capital is prepared and committed to seamless operations and service. In addition to availability for consultation, we continue to monitor market fluctuations to identify how best to take advantage of the unfortunate financial impacts the coronavirus is causing.