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Don't Fear a Bear Market - Embrace It! And Don't Do Nothing! - 3 Things To Do in A Bear Market to Improve Returns Thumbnail

Don't Fear a Bear Market - Embrace It! And Don't Do Nothing! - 3 Things To Do in A Bear Market to Improve Returns

One thing we keep hearing from the financial press and our competitors is that the best thing for clients to do in a bear market is nothing. However, we think there is a big difference between “doing nothing” and not “panic selling.” In political circles they say, never let a good crisis go to waste. Investors must remember, never to let a good bear market go to waste.

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8 Step Summer Financial Checkup  Thumbnail

8 Step Summer Financial Checkup

If you find yourself with a bit of extra time on your hands in the upcoming months, you may want to use this time to check in with your family’s finances.

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